Cowtherine’s Carousel Coming Soon
We all live on the merry-go-round of life, but have you ever ridden on a merry-go-round with cows, goats, and a rooster! Coming soon to Young’s Jersey Dairy in Yellow Springs, Ohio.

What can I say, I love working with steel!
Thank you Shook Construction and Sierra Nevada Corporation for bringing the team back together to build one more, amazing 108,524 SF, 90′ tall hangar with a lean-to. It takes a lot of time, coordination and talent to make this happen. Thank you Butler Manufacturing for the partnership and Highland Steel Erectors for your hard core work ethic lifting the steel.
Day 1 of erection, January 29th and today, March 19th, 2024.

Young’s Jersey Dairy Carousel
A never ending cycle of activities and events. Young’s Jersey Dairy knows how to make it go around. A carousel with goats and cows and a rooster, oh my! Come out and see the progress.

WENCO makes 50 Fastest Growing Companies
We’re proud to make Dayton Business Journal’s 2023 list of the
50 Fastest Growing Companies in Dayton, again this year, #10! WENCO has had an average growth of 28% over the past 4 years. This success is the result of TEAM WENCO’s hard work and dedication. #construction #designbuild #generalcontractor
Company’s pandemic pivot results in exponential growth
WENCO has a wonderful team of employees. Thank you to the team and our clients who presented the opportunities for a successful 2022.

Congratulations Sierra Nevada Corporation
Very proud to be a part of this project. Congratulations Sierra Nevada Corporation and everyone who helped make it happen!
Big things happening in Dayton today! Sierra Nevada Corporation officially ✂️ the ribbon for its new Aviation and Technology Center – the first of its kind since WW2, built to fix & maintain large aircraft. Dayton Development Coalition

Congratulations to all
Congratulations to all WENCO employees, subcontractors and suppliers for making 2022 an amazing year!

If you didn’t already know, this week is Women in Construction Week! To help celebrate, take a minute to share this post or tag a woman you know in the construction industry! On behalf of all of the Butler family, we thank you for your hard work and dedication. #ThankYou #WomenInConstruction #WomenInConstructionWeek
So exciting watching you grow
Exclusive: Sierra Nevada’s Dayton aviation center is ‘just the beginning’ of the firm’s local growth

By John Bush – Senior Reporter, Dayton Business Journal
Dayton landed a big win Monday when a major player in the aerospace and defense industry announced it is bringing a large-scale aviation center to the region.
Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), a Nevada-based provider of advanced technology solutions and open architecture integrations, selected a 16-acre site at the Dayton International Airport for two aircraft maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO) facilities. The project will expand the company’s local footprint, which also includes an office in Beavercreek.
Yet, even more development and jobs may be forthcoming.
The facilities, to be located on the northeast side of the airport, will bring nearly 150 new jobs to the region. Construction will be managed by Signet Real Estate Group, which is SNC’s development partner. Signet will design-build the hangar and lease it to SNC. Shook Construction also has been hired as the project’s general contractor.
Though the new aviation center already is being touted as a massive accomplishment for Dayton, Mark Williams, SNC senior vice president of strategy, said this is just the first of what could be several new facilities the company may decide to build at the Dayton airport site. He noted the property could hold three or four hangars in total.
“This is just the beginning,” Williams told me in an exclusive interview. “We plan to expand this significantly.”

The first hangar currently under construction at the airport will measure around 90,000 square feet, and will be capable of holding the largest aircraft in the Department of Defense. When complete in December 2022, the facility also will become SNC’s largest hangar.
The company recently opened its fifth hangar in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in addition to facilities in Centennial, Colorado.
“This can have the same type of effect in Dayton,” Williams said of the potential economic impact of the new facility at the airport.
The size of the facility provides for greater flexibility, will allow the company to perform larger projects and offers more opportunities than ever before. This could have a ripple effect on the Dayton-area economy, as Sierra Nevada looks to partner with large and small businesses in the region. Williams said they will be seeking multiple partnerships with local firms as the company continues to grow.
After a nationwide search, Williams said they chose Ohio — and specifically Dayton — for several reasons. Among the factors that went into the decision were the region’s supply chain, existing infrastructure at the airport, availability and pipeline of talent, cost, proximity to its customers such as Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, superior logistics capabilities and incentives. Williams specifically applauded the state of Ohio, JobsOhio, the Dayton Development Coalition, Montgomery County and the city of Dayton for their ability to beat the competition, which included Colorado and Kansas.
“Dayton offered the best value to us, so it just made business sense,” he said. “You all did the best out of anyone.”